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Launch your Assays with SPAchip® now and relax on vacations!

,The ultimate tool for phenotypic and metabolic assays based on living single cell pH and calcium measurements

CytoCHECK SPAchip® single detection kits are cell assays based on SPAchip® technology, that uses silicon microchips with chemical probes to monitor intracellular physiological changes.

,The First Lab-in-a-cell devices for a wide range of Applications:

In Only 3 Steps!

,Featuring this Complete Solution

  • Ready-to-use, robust workflow, including demonstrated protocols for various cell types
  • Easy-to-use with convenient software in combination with image analysers or flow cytometers
  • Suitable for all culture plates and flasks (*)
  • Cell type flexibility, no lower limits
  • Industry leading cell capture rates of up to 65%
  • Low doublet rates of < 0.9% in 1,000 cells captured

Now is the perfect moment to launch your assays withCytoCHECK SPAchip®single detection kits and be able to go more relaxed on vacation and taking advantage of our launching promotion.


European Union